Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Wow! i am on cloud nine at the moment! i cant believe how fortunate i am! okok, let me calm down a little and explain what has just transpired. Anyone who knows me knows that i am a big comic book geek. And Superman is my all time fav superhero. Ever since i first got to know the character through the Chris Reeve movies when i was 5 yrs old, i've been simpy fascinated by the Man of Steel. So u can imagine my joy when the Smallville TV series began airing in 2001. i've watched every single episode of all four seasons to date. i also downloaded all four seasons onto my comp. (thanks to KAZAA and ARES). but a year ago, my comp died on me and i lost most of season3 and all of season 1 and 2. i was devastated.

since then, i've been longing to buy the DVD sets but they've always been so darn expensive - in the region of $120 per box set at HMV. late last year i saw season 1 on sale for $69. i was so so tempted to buy it then, but it was still a little too pricey. then when i came to melbourne on holiday in may, i saw the season 1 and season 2 sets for $39.90 each!!! i was like.. omg that is so cheap! but the problem was that the DVDs were code4 (the DVD region for australia), so i couldnt watch it at home. i figured "ok when i come here to study in July, i'll buy a region4 DVD player and then get the DVD sets". that was the plan...

fast forward to July. i came to melb, bought the region4 DVD player and went to HMV to check out my beloved box sets. i nearly screamed when i saw the price... $114 for season 1!!!!! and $89 for season 2!!!! noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! i was cursing at myself!!! "why didnt i just get it in may when it was cheap!?!? why?! WHY?! WHHHYYYYYYYY?!?!?"

but my spirit was unbroken. by hook or by crook, i vowed that one day i would have smallville season 1,2,3 DVD sets in my posession. i figured that sooner or later, there would be another sale and i could get the sets at that insanely cheap price. so since i got here on July 1st, i've been going to various DVD shops all over melbourne every day checking out the DVD prices. EVERY SINGLE DAY. that's commitment for you. (though some my call it borderline insanity)

now comes the juicy part. (drumroll please....)
Yesterday, i went on my usual rounds and checked the price at this store called JB-Hi Fi. they are known to have the best deals in town. but alas, the price was still $114 and $89 for seasons 1 and 2 respectively. that was yesterday. This morning, i went to check it out again...and low and behold!!!!!! there was a clearance sale!!! and the bex sets were going for $32.90 each!!!!! once again, i nearly screamed!!! i wanted to punch my fist into the air and shriek with delirium right there and then. i composed myself, stretched out a trembling hand, and carefully picked the two box sets off the shelf. they were mine now! my own! my precciiooooussssssss....

the guy at the cashier told me that season 3 would be released next month. i wonder if i can get that one cheap too... (heh heh heh)
and the saga continues............

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