Saturday, July 23, 2005


From left : Fendi(Indonesian), Me, Mike(Irish), Christopher(Philippino), Grace(S'porean)

Today was a fun day! The most fun of the orientation thus far. My new friends and i decided to take part in the traditional Melbourne Uni WinteRACE organised by the overseas student' union. The WinteRACE is a sort of "Amazing Race" style event where we explore melbourne city looking for checkpoints, and then answering the questions at each stop. At first, the whole concept sounded kinda lame, and we were reluctant to join. But we soon realised that we would have absolutely NOTHING to do on a saturday afternoon anyways, so we decided to give it a try. Luckily we did! It was way more fun than i expected. Partly due to the weather (if this was held in orchard road i think we would have dehydrated) and also the ppl in my group. All were really nice people, and we got along great.
Oh, and its amazing how much fun "topo" can be when its not done in a hot and humid brunei jungle.
But alas, we did not win any prizes in the race. At the endpoint, they announced the top 4 teams, and we were not amongst them. This leads me to believe that we were 5th!!! yes...i believe so! without a shadow of a doubt!

Side note : bcos we did not register earlier and just decided to turn up a the last minute, we did not have to pay the $5 registration fee. Yup, so we enjoyed free pizza and free tram rides! YAY! (see, it pays to procrastinate sometimes. heh heh.)

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